Friday, July 25, 2008

You are my SONshine

Now THIS is one handsome boy! (don'tcha think?)
Our son Kaleb is the absolute BEST son a mom could ever wish for or dream of. He is fulll of talent, humor, sensitivity, passion, athletic ability, guitar-jammin beat, faithful friend, butt-kickin' football skills, basketball skills, and overall Good-Kidness!
He loves: the Lord, his mama, his daddy, Chick'n McNuggets (20 piece please) girls, HUGGS, Guitar Hero, X-Box 360, and his i-Pod. He has a unique blend of all kinds of music on his i-Pod, which I think is so totally cool!
Kaleb has fulfilled all of my hopes and dreams of motherhood. I thank God every single day for allowing me the privilege of being his mom.


WeinmasterFive said...

I hope my boys turn out to be just like their "Uncle Kaleb"! I agree, he's awesome and we love him too!

Anonymous said...

His grandma D thinks he's the most awesome grandson any grandma could ever hope for and I thank God every day for Kaleb and his mommy and daddy ! ! I LOVE YOU GUYS ! !

Amy said...

He is a Miracle - thats for sure!!