Sunday, July 27, 2008

Lord of the Dance

This is a painting that I did in college, depicting who I am and what I was feeling at the time of composition.
"Dance, Dance, wherever you may be,"
"I am the Lord of the Dance," said He, "and I'll lead you on, wherever you may be and I'll lead you on in the dance," said He.


This summer has been

My summer "off" has been a blessing to me! I've had time to do lottsa things that I've put off for a long, long time. I've also had time to refocus and to enjoy the beauty of God's creation. I can't believe how beautiful and captivating God's creation is! Yes I can... who am I kidding. I know that all that God creates is beautiful. I hope to take time this coming school year to stop and refocus on the wonderfulness of God's love to me. To consciously stop and thank Him for all the blessings that He pours down on me, each and every day. For the blessing of being a mom. For the wonderful opportunity to be married to my best friend. For God's AMAZING GRACE that saves me from myself.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Simple Pleasures...

Simple Pleasures.
Bloom where you're planted.
Home is where you hang your hat.

Climbing Higher

The corner of 4th and Vine...
I just thought that this vine was beautiful, wrapped around this old wheel barrow.. It sorta reminded me of how I sometimes tend to get all "wrapped up" in things that are trivial, and not useful for growth.


Simple Beauty*
What more can I say except to proclaim, God is GREAT!"

"Cat Nap"

Meet Miss Lizzie~ taking her afternoon "CatNap".
Lizzie is the fattest-cattest that's ever slept in my window, on my old Singer sewing machine. When she's not sleeping, well... she's SLEEPING!

You are my SONshine

Now THIS is one handsome boy! (don'tcha think?)
Our son Kaleb is the absolute BEST son a mom could ever wish for or dream of. He is fulll of talent, humor, sensitivity, passion, athletic ability, guitar-jammin beat, faithful friend, butt-kickin' football skills, basketball skills, and overall Good-Kidness!
He loves: the Lord, his mama, his daddy, Chick'n McNuggets (20 piece please) girls, HUGGS, Guitar Hero, X-Box 360, and his i-Pod. He has a unique blend of all kinds of music on his i-Pod, which I think is so totally cool!
Kaleb has fulfilled all of my hopes and dreams of motherhood. I thank God every single day for allowing me the privilege of being his mom.

Plucking Petals

He Loves Me... He Loves Me Not...
He Loves Me... He Loves Me Not...

Silly me! What am I saying? Of course he LOVES ME!


What a beautiful way to start my day. I recently attended a family picnic where I snuck off with my dinky little camera to capture some of the flowers in my Aunt Cindy's garden. Here's one of my favorites. A Tisket~A Tasket~I wish I could find my basket...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Extreme Kitty Makeover

Here's another video that I submitted to AFV. It's called, "EXTREME KITTY MAKEOVER"

Extreme Cat "SPAT"

Here's one of the videos that I recently submitted to America's Funniest Home Videos. I'd like to know which one is your favorite. You can vote, simply by commenting below your video of choice. Hopefully, one of them will make it on the show (and win the BIG BUCKS!! *haha*)