Sunday, July 27, 2008


This summer has been

My summer "off" has been a blessing to me! I've had time to do lottsa things that I've put off for a long, long time. I've also had time to refocus and to enjoy the beauty of God's creation. I can't believe how beautiful and captivating God's creation is! Yes I can... who am I kidding. I know that all that God creates is beautiful. I hope to take time this coming school year to stop and refocus on the wonderfulness of God's love to me. To consciously stop and thank Him for all the blessings that He pours down on me, each and every day. For the blessing of being a mom. For the wonderful opportunity to be married to my best friend. For God's AMAZING GRACE that saves me from myself.


Brandi said...


I found you by clicking next blog. I don't do this often, since I never know what will come up.

Your pictures are beautiful. I didn't watch the video. We have dial-up so videos take too long to load. Perhaps I'll see your adorable pets on T.V. some day.

I look forward to reading more! Have fun blogging!

Brandi said...

Ten posts in one day! You must be ready for school to start.